Camera and projector arrays for immersive 3D video
Applying recent advances in multi-imager capture and multi-projector display, we combine capabilities through the Nizza multimedia dataflow architecture to deliver low-cost wide-VGA-quality low-latency autostereoscopic 3D display of live video on a single PC. Supporting multiple users as they observe and interact against a life-sized display surface responsive to their positions, this facility will open new opportunities in mediated interaction.
منابع مشابه
Immersive Integration for Virtual and Human-Centered Environments
e envision future work and play environments that are more effectively human-centered with the user’s computing interface being more closely integrated with the physical surroundings than today’s conventional computer display screens and keyboards. We are working toward realizable versions of such environments, in which multiple video projectors and digital cameras enable every visible surface ...
متن کاملProjector-camera pair: an universal IO device for Human Machine Interaction
Video projectors and cameras are widely used in augmented environment applications, such as telepresence, smart rooms or immersive spaces. In this paper we discuss the potential of camera-projector systems as sensor-actuator devices that are particularly suitable for robots operating in human-populated environments. A brief review of sensing techniques and possible applications involving the us...
متن کاملInteractive Shape Acquisition using Marker Attached Laser Projecto
In this paper, a 3D shape acquisition system consisting of a laser projector and a video camera is described. A user projects a stripe of light to the measured 3D scene by hand. The projected light and LED markers attached to the laser projector are captured with the video camera. By estimating the 3D pose of the laser projector from the 2D locations of the markers, the distance to the surface ...
متن کاملPractical Methods for Geometric and Photometric Correction of Tiled Projector Displays on Curved Surfaces
Copyright 2006 IEEE. Published in the International Workshop on Projector-Camera Systems (ProCams 2006), June 17, 2006, New York. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission to reprint/republish for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other work...
متن کاملKosei: a Kinect Observation System Based on Kinect and Projector Calibration
In this paper, we present a new fully automatic method for the geometric calibration of a video projector combining structured light projection and a RGBD camera. The projection surface does not need to be planar and is supposed to be unknown. Intrinsic and extrinsic parameter are computed without a scale factor uncertainty or any prior knowledge about the projector. Our method is based on the ...
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